Rohingya sentenced for not concluding lectre in time
Maungdaw, Kaladan News: A Rohingya elite was arrested and sentenced to a 10-month jail term with rigorous works in Arakan State for not concluding a religious lecture within fixed time, said a relative.
Maungdaw, Kaladan News: A Rohingya elite was arrested and sentenced to a 10-month jail term with rigorous works in Arakan State for not concluding a religious lecture within fixed time, said a relative.
The victim is identified as Oli Ahmed, 55, son of Sayedur Rhaman of Ukilpara (Auk Rwa) of Maungdaw Town in Arakan State. He is also a former immigration staff of Maungdaw Township, he further added. On 10th November 2005, the aforementioned Oli Ahmed held a religious lecture by inviting some religious teachers taking permission from the Township Peace and Development Council Chairman (TPDC) of Maungdaw Township, he more said. The Chairman allowed the applicant to hold the religious lecture nearby house till 10:00 pm.
However, the lecture was ended a few minutes lately on that day, said another man of the locality. However, some days later, on 26th November 2005, the police of Maungdaw Town went to the home of Oli Ahmed by the order of the TPDC Chairman of Maungdaw Township and arrested him for not concluding the lecture within the fixed time, the local man more added. Two days later, on 29th November 2005, the victim was produced before the trial court No.1 of Maungdaw Township, which sentenced to him a 10-month jail term with rigorous work for concluding a religious lecture delaying a few minutes as fixed by concerned authority implicating him under police Act No.49, Raki 932/05, said a lawyer from Maungdaw Town.
After the issue, the Azan (call to prayer) was banned with loud speakers from mosques in the Township of Maungdaw. Previously, the Azan was not forbidden by the authorities concerned, said an Imam (the leader of the prayers) from Maungdaw. A relative of Oli Ahmed said, "A man was sentenced to 10- month jailed with rigorous work for only 10 minutes lateness of ending of a religious lecture is a deliberate action against the Rohingya community."
According to a Sarapa, a new military intelligence group after the Prime Minister General Khin Nyunt sack said, "We come to Arakan State to cripple the whole economic bases of the Rohingya people and to drive them into slave labors without leaving any things for their possessions. We are also projecting that the Rohingya youths to be illiterate," said a university student who recently fled his motherland for his security reason.
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I spent a number of years working in Maungtaw in the mid 90's.
I have heard some of the things the authorities do to Rohingyas.
But I have heard more of what Rohingyas do to the local Rakhines, before the army came down in force to put a stop to it. Like raiding Rakhine villages and taking the women and the girls and looting and the cutting of noses and ears off the male villagers. I DO NOT support the junta, but I am Myanmar nonetheless. I shudder to think of a separatist Islamic state of Rohingyas breaking away from my country's soil.
It's common knowledge that Muslims in Myamar are supported/financed by Arab states. Muslims become heroes for being able to inter-marry Myanmar women, even financial/social awards given to such an accomplishment.
And the fervour to marry four wives so that the Muslim population will multiply in numbers enough to enmass.
Why even to this date an underground day known fearfully to the local Rakhine population as 'Rakhine Killing Day' is practiced.
I recall a police woman officer was decapitated in one year, then there was a village head of No 4 ward, beaten, burnt with boiling water, neck broken and thrown into a pond in front of Kanyintan.
No, the army's right on this one. It's one of those checks and balances.
Unknown, at 8:57 AM
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