Free Rohingya Campaign

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Reply to Dr. Aye Chan's response to Rohangya issue (Part-3)

Yes, of course. Again, as I've mentioned earlier, unlike Rohangyas in Arakan and Burma, we live in a "Free World"--you are in Japan and I'm in North America. In this free world no one is being pushed against his/her will. You don't need to provide any comment if you don't want to. But I HONESTLY believe that you cannot come up with an honest response regarding the issue that I brought earlier--eg: State sponsored infiltration of Bengali Moghs into Arakan and recognition of existence and full citizenship right of Rohangyas under the U Nu's (democratically elected) government.

A survivor
My first letter is enough. No more comment.
Aye Chan
A Truthful Historian