True History Discussion.
Dear Dr. Aye Chan,
Thank you very much your earliest reponse . Dear Dr Aye Chan , I repect you and please respect my voice. I am not written my own word. Please don't try like bubble. Please don't attack personally . I do hope all answer will be referenced by paper not by own. I do hope I will discuss you one by one so that we reach without any disagreement to gether.Please don't mind me I am not Historian but I am resercher.
Sincerly ,
Maung Susan
Dear Maung Susan:
I am sure all the points you raised had been clear. Actually, we don't need to argue any more. I will write a paper on the "Phrases of Early Arakan. " Will you wait till then. I am very busy now. You have very little knowledge in the sources materials on Ancient Arakan and historical research methodology. There will be examinations to be held at my university in the first and second weeks of January. I have to read 12 graduation theses. I do not have time to answer all your questions this time. Mail me in the middle of January ,2006. I will respond.
Surely, the claim for the Rohingya Ethnicity is only a bubble. You can use it as political jargon for Rohingya human rights. The NGOs, UNHCR and other organizations will support you to be granted asylum in a third country.
Sincerely, Aye Chan>,, WHOISROHINGYA@yahoogroups.comSubject: Re: True History DiscussionDate: Mon, 28 Nov 2005 18:16:10 -0800 (PST)
Dear Maung Susan:
I am sure all the points you raised had been clear. Actually, we don't need to argue any more. I will write a paper on the "Phrases of Early Arakan. " Will you wait till then. I am very busy now. You have very little knowledge in the sources materials on Ancient Arakan and historical research methodology. There will be examinations to be held at my university in the first and second weeks of January. I have to read 12 graduation theses. I do not have time to answer all your questions this time.
Mail me in the middle of January ,2006. I will respond. Surely, the claim for the Rohingya Ethnicity is only a bubble. You can use it as political jargon for Rohingya human rights. The NGOs, UNHCR and other organizations will support you to be granted asylum in a third country.
I am sure all the points you raised had been clear. Actually, we don't need to argue any more. I will write a paper on the "Phrases of Early Arakan. " Will you wait till then. I am very busy now. You have very little knowledge in the sources materials on Ancient Arakan and historical research methodology. There will be examinations to be held at my university in the first and second weeks of January. I have to read 12 graduation theses. I do not have time to answer all your questions this time.
Mail me in the middle of January ,2006. I will respond. Surely, the claim for the Rohingya Ethnicity is only a bubble. You can use it as political jargon for Rohingya human rights. The NGOs, UNHCR and other organizations will support you to be granted asylum in a third country.
Sincerely, Aye Chan
Maung Susan <> wrote:
Dear Dr.Aye Chan,May I discuss some History of ancient Arakan . I am from Arakan . My name is Maung Susan. I studied some History like researcher. I don't want dispute true history .Here some topic of "Arakan"The word Arakan is definitely of Arabic or Persian origin having the same meaning in both these languages. It is the corruption of the word Arkan plural of the word Al-Rukun. There exists some controversy about the origin of the name of ‘Arakan’ on which traditional and legendary sources differ. In fact, the name of Arakan is of much antiquity. In Ptolemy’s Geografia (150 AD) it was named ‘Argyre’. Early Buddhist missionaries called Arakan as ‘Rekkha Pura’. In the Ananda Chandra stone pillar of Chandra dynasty (8th \r\nCentury) at Shitthaung Pagoda in Mrauk-U the name of Arakan was engraved as “Arakades’s”. In a Latin Geography (1597 AD) by\r\nPeta Vino, the country was referred to as ‘Aracan’. Friar Manrique (1628-43 AD) mentions the country as ‘Aracan’ .Ref: : Amanullah, The Etymology of Arakan, THE ARAKAN, Vol.10, Issue 2, July 1997, P.4.Discussion(1) “Arakan “ is the word originally coming from Muslim . Today Rakhine people called their self “Rakhine derived from “Arakan”(2) If the History is true “ why Arakan people saying that Arakan is coming from Pali. Is that true?(3) Some Historian written that liked a legend untrue story , some people called “Beeloo” that stand for Pali word “Rakkah” . So what is Beeloo word ? Is that true ?. History is not legend.Thanks & Best Regards,MaungsusanExpress yourself ;
of the name of ‘Arakan’ on which traditional and legendary sources differ. In fact, the name of Arakan is of much antiquity. In Ptolemy’s Geografia (150 AD) it was named ‘Argyre’. Early Buddhist missionaries called Arakan as ‘Rekkha Pura’. In the Ananda Chandra stone pillar of Chandra dynasty (8th Century) at Shitthaung Pagoda in Mrauk-U the name of Arakan was engraved as “Arakades’s”. In a Latin Geography (1597 AD) by
Peta Vino, the country was referred to as ‘Aracan’. Friar Manrique (1628-43 AD) mentions the country as ‘Aracan’ .Ref: : Amanullah, The Etymology of Arakan, THE ARAKAN, Vol.10, Issue 2, July 1997, P.4.Discussion(1) “Arakan “ is the word originally coming from Muslim . Today Rakhine people called their self “Rakhine derived from “Arakan”(2) If the History is true “ why Arakan people saying that Arakan is coming from Pali. Is that true?(3) Some Historian written that liked a legend untrue story , some people called “Beeloo” that stand for Pali word “Rakkah” . So what is Beeloo word ? Is that true ?. History is not legend.
Dear Dr.Aye Chan,May I discuss some History of ancient Arakan . I am from Arakan . My name is Maung Susan. I studied some History like researcher. I don't want dispute true history .Here some topic of "Arakan"The word Arakan is definitely of Arabic or Persian origin having the same meaning in both these languages. It is the corruption of the word Arkan plural of the word Al-Rukun. There exists some controversy about the origin of the name of ‘Arakan’ on which traditional and legendary sources differ. In fact, the name of Arakan is of much antiquity. In Ptolemy’s Geografia (150 AD) it was named ‘Argyre’. Early Buddhist missionaries called Arakan as ‘Rekkha Pura’. In the Ananda Chandra stone pillar of Chandra dynasty (8th \r\nCentury) at Shitthaung Pagoda in Mrauk-U the name of Arakan was engraved as “Arakades’s”. In a Latin Geography (1597 AD) by\r\nPeta Vino, the country was referred to as ‘Aracan’. Friar Manrique (1628-43 AD) mentions the country as ‘Aracan’ .Ref: : Amanullah, The Etymology of Arakan, THE ARAKAN, Vol.10, Issue 2, July 1997, P.4.Discussion(1) “Arakan “ is the word originally coming from Muslim . Today Rakhine people called their self “Rakhine derived from “Arakan”(2) If the History is true “ why Arakan people saying that Arakan is coming from Pali. Is that true?(3) Some Historian written that liked a legend untrue story , some people called “Beeloo” that stand for Pali word “Rakkah” . So what is Beeloo word ? Is that true ?. History is not legend.Thanks & Best Regards,MaungsusanExpress yourself ;
of the name of ‘Arakan’ on which traditional and legendary sources differ. In fact, the name of Arakan is of much antiquity. In Ptolemy’s Geografia (150 AD) it was named ‘Argyre’. Early Buddhist missionaries called Arakan as ‘Rekkha Pura’. In the Ananda Chandra stone pillar of Chandra dynasty (8th Century) at Shitthaung Pagoda in Mrauk-U the name of Arakan was engraved as “Arakades’s”. In a Latin Geography (1597 AD) by
Peta Vino, the country was referred to as ‘Aracan’. Friar Manrique (1628-43 AD) mentions the country as ‘Aracan’ .Ref: : Amanullah, The Etymology of Arakan, THE ARAKAN, Vol.10, Issue 2, July 1997, P.4.Discussion(1) “Arakan “ is the word originally coming from Muslim . Today Rakhine people called their self “Rakhine derived from “Arakan”(2) If the History is true “ why Arakan people saying that Arakan is coming from Pali. Is that true?(3) Some Historian written that liked a legend untrue story , some people called “Beeloo” that stand for Pali word “Rakkah” . So what is Beeloo word ? Is that true ?. History is not legend.
Thanks & Best Regards,
Every one has the right to name himself so do Rohingya.This is universal Right of every human being. Why other people have to bother about the word Rohingya. We may be Bengali or Indian or Arab or whatever, the fact is no Burmese nor Rakhine ever live in Northern Arkan as mojority. Rohingya are not migrant to this land but this land become part of modern Burma due to Border agreement between Pakistan and Burma. We are the victim of racial and religious hatred people.You may ask any Muslim around the world the meaning of Arkan, every learned man can answer the meaning which is Arbic word. The wourd Arkan never been used in Rakhing language or Burmese but it is used in Rohingya language.
yusuf, at 1:42 AM
Do you think the word 'Arakan' really the same with that from Arbic? Paper is paper. Forget about it. If you want to stay peacefully in the land of Rakhine (Arakan). Just try to be harmony with them. If not, you, so-called Rohinga will be driven from Buddist land.
Anonymous, at 10:08 PM
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